bivi fista 1968. Lo vijiti por la vez dalkavo en 1992 i duspues de
otcho anyos el apartamento se derroko de si para si i
el haber estuvo en la gazeta porko era konsiderado un
apartamento historiko. Grasyaz a Albert Habip por ke edito el video.
El Apartamento Andjelo
This is the apartment I grew up in and wrote a memoir about.
I lived on the second floor left side till 1968.
It collapsed 13 years ago on May 28, 2000 and made
the news because it was a historical building,
it made the news .
I had videotaped the building in 1992 and my friend
Albert Habip edited the clip and added the
lovely music, making the video palatable.
Thanks, Albert Habip.